
Buran shuttle locations
Buran shuttle locations

buran shuttle locations

Gudilin, “Take-off and landing of Buran” (in Russian), on-line at Filin, Put k Energii, Moscow: Logos, 2001, pp.

buran shuttle locations

Memoirs of Andrey Lavrentyev, on-line at 10.htmī. Covault, “Soviet Space Shuttle Prepared for Second Launch Attempt”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1 November 1988, p. Tarasov, “At the last minute” (in Russian), Pravda, 29 October 1988.Ĭ. Radio Moscow World Service, 26 October 1988.Ī. comeback”, The Washington Times, 20 September 1988. Gertz, “Soviet shuttle might upstage U.S. Gubanov, Triumf i tragediya Energii (tom 4: Polyot v nebytiye), Nizhniy Novgorod: Izdatelstvo Nizhegorodskogo instituta ekonomicheskogo razvitiya, 1999, p. Semyonov, Raketno-kosmicheskaya korporatsiya Energiya 1946–1996, op. Semyonov, Mnogorazovyy orbitalnyy korabl Buran, op. Gubanov, Triumf i tragediya Energii (tom 3), Nizhniy Novgorod: Izdatelstvo Nizhegorodskogo instituta ekonomicheskogo razvitiya, 1998, pp. Mokhov, “Module for Buran” (in Russian), Novosti kosmonavtiki, 23–24/1998, pp. “The turbojet engine installation” (in Russian), on-line at vrdu.htm letter by former Energiya-Buran chief designer I. “Government Production Decision Awaited in Additional Space Shuttle Orbiters”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 5 June 1989, p. Kidger, “The Soviet Shuttle Story”, Spaceflight, January 1990, pp. Semyonov, Raketno-kosmicheskaya korporatsiya Energiya 1946–1996, Moscow: RKK Energiya, 1996, p. “Buran Expands Soviet Ability to Orbit Large Payloads”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 21 November 1988, p.

buran shuttle locations

Grachov, “Energiya-Buran: The swan song of Soviet cosmonautics or the thorny path to space?” (in Russian), Aviatsiya i vremya, 2/2005. Semyonov, Mnogorazovyy orbitalnyy korabl Buran, Moscow: Mashinostroyeniye, 1995, p. Golovanov, “Just where are we flying to?” (in Russian), Izvestiya, 12 December 1991. Witherow, “Russian Snowstorm to Blast US in Space Race”, The Sunday Times, 11 January 1987. McKie, “Space ‘breakout’ race”, The Observer, 2 September 1984 E. National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 11-1-83, Volume II: The Estimate, 18 July 1983, p. Lenorowitz, “Soviets Fly Jet-Powered Space Shuttle Testbed”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 12 October 1987, p. Covault, “Soviets Begin Orbiter Tests Following Engine Installation”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 14 April 1986, pp. Covault, “USSR’s Reusable Orbiter Nears Approach, Landing Tests”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 3 December 1984, pp. “Soviets Demonstrate Flight Readiness with Firing of Heavy-Lift Booster”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 6 March 1987.Ĭ. “Soviet Shuttle”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1 December 1986. “Soviet Shuttle, Heavy Booster in Serious Development Trouble”, Aviation Week & Space Technology,, pp. Covault, “Soviets Building Heavy Shuttle”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 14 March 1983, pp. Soviet Military Power 1983, Washington, D.C.: US Department of Defense, 1983 C. An Intelligence Assessment, 1 November 1982, p. Soviet Capabilities and Intentions for Permanently Manned Space Stations. Pesavento, “Russian Space Shuttle Projects, 1957–1994. Dombrovskiy, “Space orbits of a canard” (in Russian), Sovetskaya Rossiya.

buran shuttle locations

Svishchev, “The Road to Buran” (in Russian), Pravda, 24 November 1988. Soviet Reusable Space Systems Program: Implications for Space Operations in the 1990s (An Intelligence Assessment), 1 September 1988. Oberg, “Soviet shuttle mysteries”, Aerospace America, June 1987, pp. Furniss, “Soviet shuttle claims doubted”, Flight International. National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 11-1-80, 6 August 1980, pp. Soviet Military Capabilities and Intentions in Space. Covault, “Soviets Build Reusable Shuttle”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 20 March 1978, pp. Reznik, “Student design organizations and interdisciplinary projects in the field of rocket and space technology” (in Russian), paper presented at the 31st Academic Readings on Cosmonautics in Moscow, January–February 2007. Tsiolkovskiy i nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress, Moscow: Nauka, 1982, pp. Sinyaryov et al., “Space transportation system Albatros” (in Russian), in: K.E. Houtman, “Albatros: De Sowjet Shuttle”, Spaceview, July 1976. James, Soviet Conquest from Space, New Rochelle: Arlington House Publishers, 1974, pp. Radio Moscow World Service, 30 January 1986.

Buran shuttle locations